20241120 1:52pm.
email from Amazon concerning an Amazon return...
Your Visa has been charged.We've processed refund on your return request expecting that you will return the original item by Nov 15, 2024. Our records indicate you have not sent back the item below ... Because you have not sent back the item below for which we had issued a refund, we have charged your Visa card.
Amazon customer service chat transcript...
Hello, Hope you are doing well. Thank you for contacting Amazon. My name is Itisha. I'll be assisting you from here. I am sorry for the hassle you have faced!
Me. I'm not doing well. The Amazon assistant just told me that you received my return. Yet I received an email that says my credit card is being charged for not returning the item. And I see the charge is pending.
Itisha. I will surely help you with this. **Amazon Item Purchased** this one? right?
Me. Yes. Tracking says delivered back to you. The amazon assistant just told me the return was received. I logged into my credit card account and see there is a charge pending for $13.03. ORDER NUMBER **order no**
Itisha. Thanks for confirming. Upon checking the details, I can see that the charge you have seen is retro charge. This happens when carrier miss the scanning or lost the returned item. In this case I can help you with disarm retro-charge for you and help you with refund in original payment method. As well as please do not worry you will not be charged for this again as well as I have successfully disarmed the retro charge so please do not worry you will not received the email regarding this charge as well Shall I proceed with refund in original payment method? please confirm ?
Me. Your shipment **tracking** Delivered On Thursday, October 03 at 2:30 P.M. Returned To HORN LAKE, MS US Received By: TOM TEAM That's from the UPS website. So, not lost.
Itisha. This happens when carrier miss the scanning or lost the returned item. which means might be possible lost or might be possible there became error while scanning the item.
Me. I don't know what "TOM TEAM" is. The UPS website shows all the scans, including the one that happened when it was delivered. So I don't know what you're talking about.
Itisha. so please do not worry we will help you with the refund!
Me. I got an email previously "reminding" me to return this item. I also contacted Amazon customer service at the time and was told not to worry about it.
Itisha. some times there become error it shows delivered to our fulfillment center but due tome some technical error Darick it got happened but please do not worry as it is not your faulty so please be assured we will help you with the refund right away shall I proceed with it ? As well we will work on this so that you could not expect the hassle again! Shall I proceed with the refund?
Me. I'm contacting you because the charge is pending. Otherwise I would have disputed it. I can wait for it to post and dispute it then. Because I am worried. I was previously informed not to worry, so I didn't. But that advice turned out to be incorrect. Yes you can proceed with refunding. I don't know why I'd say no.
Itisha. Now I will send you email confirmation which confirms that you will not get charged again for this anyway. shall I proceed with the email confirmation along with the retro refund?
Me. Who is "TOM TEAM" in HORN LAKE, MS? Because the tracking says that is who and where it was returned. On 10/03/2024 at 2:30 P.M. I don't understand why you're asking "shall I proceed with the email confirmation along with the retro refund ?" You think I might say no? Why would I be contacting you?
Itisha. for sure we know that you will say yes. but for confirmation we ask to our customer and let them know what we are taking action towards their rsolution! so please stay connected and let me proceed with it for you!
Me. I don't know what "reto refund" means. But I say YES. Although I did earlier say yes. Are you going to ask again or will two yes replies be sufficient?
Itisha. please stay connected and let me proceed this for you!
Me. ok.
Itisha. I have successfully initiated a refund for this charge in original payment It will credited in your account within 3-5 business days. As well as please do not worry you will not be charged for this again as well as I have successfully disarmed the retro charge so please do not worry you will not received the email regarding this charge as well. And please be assured you will not get charged! as well as I have sent you an email also. so please be assured you will not get charged. and this email works as a proof so please be assured as well we will also work on this on higher priority basis. so that you could not expect the hassle again! I hope my efforts and information were helpful to you.
Me. I don't know what a "retro charge" is. I guess I'll never know. But the charge Amazon submitted and is pending will go through but then a refund will process shortly after?
Itisha. Retro charge is that charge. when the item has been returned successfully by the customer but it still shows that it has not been returned but it is rare case which happens so please do not worry As I have fixed the issue. You will not be charged again.
Me. ok. But I will check my credit card statement. I'm not contacting Amazon again about this. I'll just dispute it with the credit card company if the refund doesn't come through. thanks.
Itisha. Yes sure. Sure you can do that. I hope I was able to solve your query? I hope my efforts and information were helpful to you. Is there anything else that I can help you with today?
Me. It isn't solved yet. The "solving" will occur after the refund processes. But, no. I don't need any more help right now.
Itisha. You're welcome. It was a delight to assist you. Thank you for contacting Amazon and being Prime Member. Have a great day ahead. Stay Safe!
PPP #50
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