
Saturday, November 16, 2024

As Per Amazon, 1 Pound Is More Than 16 Ounces. Who Knew?

Conversation with Amazon Seller support about DHL charging me $19.47 to ship a package, then deciding later that I owed more money.

Shipping Lable Purchased: $19.47.
Additional Shipping Assessed: 7.07.
Adjusted Shipping Paid: 26.54.

11/12/2024 Chat Transcript
Ravi 6:37 PM. Is there anything else I can assist you with apart from this?

Me 6:38 PM. I don't think so. I have another issue but, when I was chatting with someone earlier about something else, they said I had to open another ticket. So I'm not sure why you're asking when the answer will be no. At least as per my past experience.

Me 6:39 PM. It's in regards to Amazon charging me more shipping after an item was delivered. I only noticed this because my account balance went negative. I accurately entered the item weight and dimensions, so I should not have been charged additional shipping.

Me 6:40 PM. You can help with this or I have to open another ticket?

Ravi 6:40 PM. I've raised the ticket to our internal team for this price issue they will investigate and reinstate your listing . We will update you via email as soon as we will have an update on this issue.

Me 6:40 PM. Is that a no? Or did you send your reply before reading my last two messages?

Ravi 6:42 PM. I've seen your message, however this issue can only be fixed by our internal team this is the reason I've raised the ticket.

Ravi 6:42 PM. Please know that your case will remain open until this price issue will be fixed.

Me 6:42 PM. It doesn't sound like it. Because I asked about another matter. Because you asked if there was anything else you could help me with.

Ravi 6:46 PM. I apologize, I understand that Amazon charging you more for shipping after an item was delivered.

Me 6:46 PM. yes.

Ravi 6:47 PM. Can you please share the order id?

Me Sent at 6:47 PM. This concerns order 114-**4. I was charged additional shipping after the fact for this order. I originally paid $19.47. Later I was charged an additional $7.07. I did not receive an email from Amazon notifying me about this. I only noticed it because my account balance went negative. The package was not overweight nor should it have been charged more for "dimensional weight" issues. No additional shipping should have been charged. And I don't like it that Amazon just does this without even notifying me or giving a reason.

Ravi 6:48 PM. Alright.

Ravi 6:48 PM. I am checking on it.

Me 6:48 PM. "dimensional weight". I got charged more for that reason previously. So I've been careful about dimension going forward.

Me 6:49 PM. And I weighed and entered the weight. Yet DHL decided I owed more. Quite a bit more. When, if it was over, it probably was a very very small amount. Though I did weigh it and correctly enter the weight.

Ravi 6:51 PM. As I can see that your Entered Dimensions: 10 X 6 X 2 IN Weight: 16 OZ, and as per carrier Audited Dimensions: 10 X 6 X 2 IN Weight: 1 LB due to which you've got charged extra.

Me 6:52 PM. Those are the same. 1 pound is 16 ounces.

Ravi 6:56 PM. I am checking, please be available for another few minutes.

Me 6:57 PM. ok.

Ravi 7:02 PM. Thank you for your patience.

Ravi 7:02 PM. I've reviewed your order id 114-**4 and have found you were charged a fuel fee, Insurance Charge, and Base Charge. A fuel surcharge is applied when the cost of fuel required for delivery exceeds the contract-defined amount between the ship-from and ship-to location.

Ravi 7:02 PM. Note: These fees are influenced by the fluctuating oil price depending on the day it got shipped. Amazon does not reimburse sellers for chargebacks due to carrier's shipping charge corrections.

Ravi 7:02 PM. For more information about about "UPS Fuel Surcharge", go to:

Ravi 7:02 PM. For more information about "Carrier Shipping Correction Charges", go to:

Me Sent at 7:03 PM. So DHL can decide to charge me more later and there is nothing I can do about it?

Ravi 7:03 PM. If you've any dispute with the applicable charges you can directly contact the carrier.

Me 7:04 PM. To me it sounds like a made up reason to justify the extra charge. Which was a LOT more than what I originally paid. It's ridiculous and I am extremely angry about this.

Ravi 7:05 PM. You can check carrier charges and policy from their website and if you've any disputes then you can directly contact them.

Me 7:05 PM. I paid $19.47 and then was charged $7.07 more later. That's a lot more. And Amazon just paid DHL by taking money out of my account. Without asking or even notifying me.

Ravi 7:06 PM. Amazon does not reimburse sellers for chargebacks due to carrier's shipping charge corrections.

Me 7:06 PM. I could contact DHL, but I am 100 percent certain they won't give me a refund. Amazon already gave them the money without my authorization.

Me 7:07 PM. "Correction" = ripoff.

Me 7:07 PM. And the ripoff was facilitated by Amazon. Amazon helped DHL steal from me.

Ravi 7:08 PM. Please open the carrier website and see their terms and condition and if you've any dispute please contact them directly.

Me 7:08 PM. This is obviously going nowhere.

Me 7:10 PM. The terms and conditions say "we can rip you off and there is nothing you can do about it. HA HA!"?

Ravi 7:11 PM. I wish I could help you with this charge however Amazon Amazon does not reimburse sellers for chargebacks due to carrier's shipping charge corrections. I am bound to Amazon policy. I hope you will understand my limitations.

Me 7:11 PM. Oh, and "Amazon will help".

Me 7:12 PM. I could scream and swear though that would be pointless. You can imagine me screaming and swearing.

Ravi 7:13 PM. I want you to know that I did my best to provide you with the correct information based on our current policies.

Ravi 7:14 PM. Is there anything else I can assist you with apart from this?

Me Sent at 7:15 PM. I might have to go with the USPS from now on. Although I'm not sure that option was available for this order. The USPS has never charged me more after I already paid.

Me Sent at 7:16 PM. I hate DHL.

Me Sent at 7:16 PM. I hate that Amazon helped DHL steal from me.

Me Sent at 7:16 PM. You can pass that feedback along. I would appreciate it if you would.

Ravi 7:18 PM. Sure, I will take this feedback.

Ravi 7:19 PM. Is there anything else I can assist you with apart from this?

Me [not sent]. That's awesome. Though I would prefer that the money that was stolen from me be refunded.

End Chat Transcript.

I wanted to send that last message, but my computer locked up and I couldn't send it. My "that's awesome" was intended to be sarcastic. Whether or not Ravi would have known that is unknown.

In any case... In summary, it turns out that DHL can charge me more after I've already paid a shipping label simply if they decide they want to. It wasn't that I did anything wrong. My package wasn't too large and therefore they could charge me more an use the BS excuse of "dimensional weight". Nor was my package actually more than what my scale said.

I thought I must have made a mistake and that is why they charged me more. I figured it must have been slightly over a pound. But no, what happened was that DHL decided I needed to kick in some more for gas. A "fuel surcharge" explains the additional $7.07 they told Amazon they wanted to ship my package. Which I say is BS.

I don't think they should be able to decide I owe more at all. But, if fuel costs went after I sent it, I think a smaller amount would be reasonable. An additional 36.31% more is ridiculous.

 PPP #49 

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