
Monday, December 30, 2024

Amazon Is Pranking Me Again

The selling price for this item is $5.94 and the Amazon fees are $5.92. Which means I'll make 2 cents by shipping this item. That's not including what I paid for the item originally. And also not including shipping costs.

As per Amazon the lowest option available to ship this to the buyer in Croatia is $39.44. So I will lose $39.46 plus what I paid originally for the item, which is John Ottman's score from the 2002 movie Point of Origin. As released by La-La Land Records.

I could go to the USPS website and see what they would charge, which I suspect is less than $39.44. Though I'm sure it's more than what Amazon collected from the buyer, which is $14.95. Probably around 18 to 21 dollars. Though I've never shipped anything to Croatia before. So I'd have to check. But I am positive I would lose money.

Enough to wipe out my 2 pennies profit. Yeah, forget it. I'm going to cancel this order. I should have set it so someone outside the United States could not buy it. That is an option. My mistake, but I'm not losing almost $40 due to the error.

In regards to the "prank", it's that Amazon is saying that, if I purchase shipping though them (and therefore get the claims protection), I have to send using an expedited method. As opposed to normal first class. I don't know why Amazon does this. I've contacted seller support about this previously, but the seller support person did not know.

 PPP #52